Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What I Watched - Series 1

The “Cryptozoologist” in the film, now that was just ridiculous.

The special effects, NOW that was f’n awesome.

This film was pretty damn good.  A fake documentary about a fake documentary about Loch NessZak Penn, the man behind it all.  (He wrote X-Men 2.)  Along with German director Werner Herzog.  (He directed a movie about Kaspar Hauser.) 

It starts with 2 guys making a documentary about Werner Herzog, who is making a documentary about Loch Ness called Enigma of Loch Ness with Zak Penn.  Werner is doing a serious film, Zak is “Hollywooding” it up.  Unexpected things happen.

If you want, also check out the commentary w/ both Werner and Zak!   Classic!